Friday, May 21, 2010

The Healthy Weight Loss Advices

If somebody suggests to you that you should crash-diet or starve for achieving this end, you should not heed to that advice. This move will deprive your body of the essential nutrients. Further, your body will stop losing fat after some time. You will rather see fat gains because the body will come to the conclusion that food may not be available for future use and hence should be stored as fats.

Another dangerous advice you may get is to skip your breakfast. If you skip your breakfast, your body will not get this energy and hence you will not be able to deliver your optimal output in whatever you undertake during the day. You will also over-eat during your next meal, resulting in fat gains.

One way to improve your metabolism is to reduce your meal by half. The advice here is to split your three large meals into six smaller meals and eat them more frequently. These smaller meals are digested more quickly and due to the improved metabolism, you will be able to burn the calories of these smaller meals fully. Therefore you are helped in your efforts to lose fat quickly.

You should also take care not to break this pattern or to eat anything in the middle and spoil the rhythm. This food must be rich in protein and should not contain more saturated fats. Your food should be cooked in olive oil or fish oil that contain good fats because you need fats for the functioning of your brain.

You should shift to a diet that contains more of wholesome grains, fruits and vegetables and these foods supply high fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Another step that will improve your metabolism is to do your exercises without missing even on a single day. If you want to make your exercises sessions interesting, you can do them when you watch your favorite TV program or while playing the music you like most.

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